Email is the preferred method of contact - enquiries@longthornsfarm.co.uk
Calling by phone 01929401539
Office hours
9-4 Monday- Saturday
Closed on Sundays
Duty phone on site 07790663654
Your calls are important to us, we can’t always get the phone as we may be out on site, please either leave a message or drop us a quick email and we will get back to you.
The mobile phone signal is not strong, so we don't always receive texts or messages immediately, so there may be a delay in replying.
If the office is unattended, please email, which is our preferred method, or leave a short answerphone message and we will aim to get back to you within 48 hours.
By Post:
Longthorns Farm, Longthorns, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 6HH
Important Sat.Nav Information
Those using Sat Nav systems, please DO NOT use the postcode as it takes you past our farm entrance, to Clouds Hill, follow the directions below and use Monkey World as your destination marker.
Sign situated on the road to mark the site of Longthorns Farm, 2 miles North from Wool. 4 miles South of Bere Regis, on the Tout Hill Rd, follow signs to Monkey World. The site is 350 yards north from the main Monkey World entrance.
By Bus
The Jurassic Coast Bus Service X53
By Train
We are located approx 3 minutes drive from the train station. By train from London Waterloo to Wool: Approximately 2.5 hours (journey time). Monday to Saturday: 8.05 am from London Waterloo arrives at Wool at 10.34 am
Taxi Companies
Garrison Cars 01929463395, Jurassic cabs 01929 558119